FAQ- Adults

What is an anesthesiologist?

Generally, an anesthesiologist is considered a medical doctor who, after medical school and internship, specializes in all types of anesthesia, including general anesthesia. Anesthesiologists have at least four years of training after medical school; and many have more. It is the anesthesiologist's job to keep you safe and comfortable during surgery and recovery from anesthesia. Once you enter the operating room, the anesthesiologist never leaves your side until you are safe and stable in the postanesthesia care unit. Unfortunately, others providers today that have much less medical training are also referring to themselves as "anesthesiologists" Be sure to ask if your provider went to medical school.

What are the types of anesthesia?

Your anesthesiologist takes several factors into account when recommending the type of anesthesia. Some of those factors include the type of surgery or non-operative procedure being performed for your medical history. These types of anesthesia are not always clearly defined, and patients may progress from one level of sedation/anesthesia to a lighter or deeper level during the procedure. For this reason, the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) considers anesthesia a continuum, from light sedation to general anesthesia. Understanding that the level of sedation/anesthesia is a continuum, the ASA has published the following definitions:

  • Minimal Sedation
    A level of sedation that relieves anxiety but preserves consciousness. The patient is typically relaxed but readily responds to verbal commands. Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory function are generally unaffected.

  • Moderate Sedation
    A level of sedation that depresses consciousness and relieves anxiety and pain. Under moderate sedation, purposeful response to verbal command or light tactile stimulation is maintained. Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory function are generally unaffected or minimally affected.

  • Deep Sedation
    A level of sedation in which the patient is not easily aroused, but responds purposefully to repeated or painful stimulation. Blood pressure and heart rate are generally maintained, but intervention may be required to maintain respiratory function.

  • General Anesthesia
    The patient is completely unconscious, and not responsive to painful stimuli. Blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory function are often compromised.

How safe is general anesthesia?

General anesthesia itself is exceptionally safe. Most healthy patients do not have any problems with general anesthesia, aside from small problems like being tired after, sore throat or cough, and nausea.

Who will administer my anesthesia?

Your anesthesiologist is a board-certified, medical doctor specialized in the field of anesthesiology. He or she will personally perform all aspects of the anesthesia, and you will remain under our direct, constant supervision until ready to be discharged home.

How will I be monitored?

Your anesthesiologist will always monitor your heart rhythm, blood pressure, the amount of oxygen in your blood, and temperature. You will be cared for during the entire procedure.

What are the eating guidelines before surgery?

  • Do not eat or drink anything after 11 PM on the night before your procedure
  • If the procedure is scheduled after 10 AM, then you may have up to one cup or 8 ounces of water or clear liquids up to three hours before scheduled time of procedure. Clear liquids are any type of liquid that you can see through clearly when poured into a glass such as Gatorade, PowerAde, or black coffee. No milk or dairy. If criteria above is not followed, your procedure may be postponed or cancelled.

What will recovery be like?

With our innovative techniques, recovery is usually very quick. You will awaken and recover until you have met certain criteria for discharge home. Avoid driving, operating machinery, drinking alcohol, and making legal decisions for at least 24 hours.

How will I wake up?

Most patients begin to feel more alert as soon as the medication is discontinued. Any drowsiness or confusion will quickly dissipate as you emerge from anesthesia. During recovery your blood pressure and pulse will be checked periodically. Many patients are able to go home 30 minutes after their procedure and can resume all normal activities by the next day with very little residual effects.

Will I have pain when I wake up?

It is unusual to wake up with pain. Most anesthetics provide significant relief of postoperative pain and patients are usually very comfortable. If you experience pain, let your provider know.

What should I expect or do once I am home?

  • Eat a healthy meal to restore your energy and drink plenty of fluids.
  • You should be able to return to your everyday activities the next day.
  • Avoid driving, operating machinery, drinking alcohol, and making legal decisions for at least 24 hours.
  • Follow your office's instructions for restrictions and other recovery instructions.
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